Writers speak out against The Walrus’s new freelance agreement
Last fall, The Walrus’s contributor agreement came under scrutiny during what is referred to by many freelancers as “the Alex Gillis affair.” The incident – which you can read about in detail on Canadaland – led to a discussion on the Toronto Freelance Editors and Writers listserv about kill fees and “idea appropriation.” Literary agent […]
Another freelancer alleges “idea appropriation” by The Walrus
During the past year, management at The Walrus magazine has been accused of poor treatment of staff and freelancers. This month, another freelance writer has come to Story Board with new allegations. Ontario writer Ann Silversides told Story Board that she pitched a story about a new business to The Walrus last July. The magazine told […]
Chatelaine’s call for unpaid submissions
One of our freelance union members recently brought our attention to a recent call for submissions by Chatelaine magazine. The call-out asks readers to submit full 500-word stories that have not been published elsewhere. Writers whose articles are selected will not be paid for their work. In response to Story Board’s request for comment on […]
Students could be key in Halifax journalists’ strike
by Errol Salamon Journalism students and recent graduates are well placed to support Chronicle Herald newsroom workers in Halifax, who have been on strike since Jan. 23. They can collaborate with newspaper workers as Ontario students did during the Peterborough Examiner strike from November 1968 to April 1969. The Peterborough Newspaper Guild (now CWA Canada […]
CWA Canada Associate Members call for solidarity with Halifax journalists
by the CWA Canada Associate Member steering committee CWA Canada Associate Members are joining the Halifax Typographical Union (CWA Canada Local 30130) in calling on freelancers and student journalists to stand in solidarity with newsroom staff at The Chronicle Herald who could be on picket lines Saturday morning. Management at the daily newspaper, which gave […]
Links between freelancing and gender inequality highlighted by Chronicle Herald labour dispute
By Errol Salamon This post is the first in a series called “E-Lancer Writes.” The series will explore the working conditions, rights, and collective organizing strategies of freelance journalists, interns, and other low-wage and temporary digital media workers. The Halifax Chronicle Herald made headlines last week for contacting freelance journalists to replace the newspaper’s […]
Freelancers, union leaders urge support for Chronicle Herald staff during labour dispute
by Rachel Sanders Sandra Phinney knows exactly how difficult it is to negotiate with the owners of the Halifax Chronicle Herald. The Yarmouth-based freelance writer was offered a harsh contract by the company several years ago. “It was all-rights-grabbing. Including moral rights. And we would be liable if a reader had sued the paper. The onus was entirely on the […]
A message to freelancers from the Halifax Typographical Union
CMG Freelance received the following letter from the Halifax Typographical Union this week: January 7, 2015 Dear freelance writer/columnist/op-ed contributor, Members of Halifax Typographical Union who work to produce The Chronicle Herald, TheChronicleHerald.ca and the Business Insider recently began bargaining with the Halifax Herald Ltd. This is not the first time we reporters, editors, […]
Freelancers: Having problems at Toronto Star Touch?
Hi, freelancers. If you’ve been submitting articles or photographs to Toronto Star Touch and have been having problems of any kind, please get in touch with us at freelance@cmg.ca. All communications will be kept strictly confidential.
The Problem of Press Trips
by Keph Senett Freelance writers are masters of ingenuity. We have to be. Decreasing wages and increasing demands have made full-time freelance writing a losing proposition. Those of us who wish to remain in the field quickly develop strategies to make it work: We stack assignments, boost our incomes with part-time jobs, and network like […]