Despite delays, a best practices guide for the Canadian magazine industry is on its way
There are some things that are right about the magazine industry in Canada and some things that need changing. With that in mind, and with what appears to be a goal to establish shared standards, three groups—the Professional Writers Association of Canada, Magazines Canada, and the Canadian Society of Magazine Editors—have been working together on […]
Secrets worth sharing: Tips and tricks from three successful Canadian freelancers
As part of its ongoing Professional Development series, PWAC Toronto hosted an event entitled “Secrets of Freelancing Success.” Its panel of experienced freelance writers shared—if not secrets, exactly—a boatload of valuable advice. This latest edition in PWAC’s series, which we’ve covered before, really packed ’em in at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre (the event […]
PWAC Toronto’s Alternate Revenue Streams panel, Storified
What you missed at last night’s professional development event.
On relationships, pie charts, and SEO: How to pitch stories to editors
A guest post by Daniela DiStefano The Toronto Chapter of the Professional Writers Association kicked off its 2011/2012 Professional Development Series Wednesday night at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre with the season’s first seminar, “Getting Yes: How to Pitch Stories to Editors.” Chapter president Jaclyn Law hosted the panel of editors, Rani Sheen (FASHION), […]
PWAC Toronto’s 2011/2012 professional development series
Starting next month and running until next May, PWAC Toronto is hosting a series of evening seminars for writers, focusing on professional development topics such as alternate revenue sources, health and science writing, and narrative non-fiction. After the 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. seminars, which will take place either at the Miles Nadal Jewish Community […]
UBC ends deal with Access Copyright, freelance writers lose out
Joining more than a dozen other large post-secondary institutions across the country, the University of British Columbia has ended a long-standing contract with Access Copyright, a non-profit organization that aims to guarantee fair compensation for writers and publishers when their works are copied. UBC says that the organization was demanding “dramtically” higher fees and wanted […]
Required reading: A look at freelance writers and collective organizing in Canada
Nicole S. Cohen, a PhD candidate in York University’s Communication and Culture graduate program, is working on a large project on historical and contemporary efforts to organize freelance writers. As part of that project, she’s written a paper entitled “Negotiating Writers’ Rights: Freelance Cultural Labour and the Challenge of Organizing,” recently published in Just Labour: […]
Taking stock: what have previous freelancer surveys uncovered?
Keeping track of what’s happening in the media field is of benefit to everyone, whether you’re on staff, in management, or a freelancer. When negotiating terms for your own work, knowing industry standards and how other freelancers are faring is essential. And when collective action is called for, having hard data to back up your […]