What do you do when you’re stiffed?
A small group of freelancers recently had this experience. They were engaged by a Toronto-based publisher to provide material for some specialized periodicals. The terms of the contract were clear and unequivocal. The price and deadline were set. Payment was due 30 days after publication date. Wait a minute. After publication date, not after submission? […]
What do you say when they ask if you’ll work for free?
We’re hearing that a certain national TV broadcaster – not the CBC – has been inviting people onto national news programs in return for … no payment. Sometimes, it may make sense for you to appear on a program without getting paid for it. If you’ve written a book and you figure going on national […]
Tips for negotiating a contract with an engager
GET IT IN BLACK AND WHITE: Always sign a contract before you begin work. Document your negotiations and the promises of your editors. It will help ensure you get paid properly in case there are any disputes. SHOW ME THE MONEY! If you are an experienced freelancer, avoid working for the minimum rates wherever possible. […]