Media Works launch party April 29th
A media/labour project that has been in the works for several months is now ready to go, and there’s going to be a party to celebrate. The Media Works launch party is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29th, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at The Foundery (376 Bathurst St) in Toronto. Media Works is a project sponsored by CWA-Canada in partnership […]
SABEW Canada’s inaugural Best in Business Awards Night
The Canadian chapter of the Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) is holding its inaugural awards night next Wednesday, April 15th, at Valdez (606 King Street West). Among the 26 finalists for the awards are a number of independent and freelance journalists, including Trevor Cole, who is nominated in both the long-term feature and profile […]
Ali Mustafa Memorial Lecture
Update: the venue has been changed for this event. The new venue is Library Lecture Theatre at Ryerson University. Ali Mustafa was a Toronto-based freelance photojournalist who was killed while working in Syria on March 9th, 2014. Shortly after his death, a group of his friends and colleagues set up the Ali Mustafa Memorial Collective to honour his […]
Open Cinema “connects the docs” with online technology
by Luigi Benetton Want to check out what might turn into the Netflix of documentary filmmaking? “It’s closer to Netflix plus live engagement options,” Mandy Leith explains. Leith, the Victoria, B.C.-based founder and director of Open Cinema, has been leading the effort to assemble a combination of online technologies to help documentary filmmakers share […]
Freelance Media Mixer in Ottawa January 14th
Ottawa freelancers, there’s a CMG Freelance Media Mixer coming up in your town next week. It’s scheduled for Wednesday, January 14th from 5 to 8 p.m. at 73 North (at 73 Sparks St.). The event is part of the CMG’s ongoing series of mixers and information sessions for freelancers and emerging workers in media, communications, tech, and creative industries. […]
CMG Freelance launches Freelancer Directory
The Canadian Media Guild has launched a freelancer directory that offers its freelance and temporary members a place to showcase their skills and experience to potential employers. The database has space for members to highlight their publication credits, training, and education. Profiles also have space for work samples of all kinds — print, images, audio, and video. The CMG is holding a workshop […]
Mixer for emerging media workers November 12th
Students and emerging media workers in Toronto: mark your calendars. CWA Canada is holding a free event on November 12th at 6 PM at The Foundery (376 Bathurst St, just north of Dundas St W). The media mixer will shine a spotlight on issues such as finding meaningful work, unpaid internships and diversity in the media. The event […]
Humber College Print Humour Workshop coming up in New York
Got jokes? Dream of publishing your humour writing? Humber College is gearing up for a two-day humour writing workshop in New York City later this month. Humber Comedy Program director Andrew Clark says the workshop will be a very practical event for people who want to get their work published — or those who’ve already […]
SABEW Canada to hold first official event for Canadian business writers and editors
The Society of American Business Editors and Writers (SABEW) is launching a Canadian chapter and the organization will hold its first official event on Tuesday, September 30th from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Rotman School of Management. The event will feature an hour-long talk by Bloomberg Executive Editor John McCorry about the state of business journalism and the lessons […]
Freelance Friday! A funding workshop for interactive digital media creators
CMG Freelance is inviting digital media workers and game developers to a Freelance Friday workshop this week that will focus on applying to the OMDC Interactive Digital Media Fund. Attendees are invited to bring their project ideas and will have the opportunity to draft grant applications and get feedback from the workshop leaders: Kim Gibson from the OMDC, Catherine Feraday Miller […]