The 5-Minute Freelancer Q&A #24 — Caitlin Kelly

In this regular feature, Story Board asks Canadian writers to share a few details about their work habits and their strategies for navigating the ups and downs of freelance life.



Caitlin Kelly is a Canadian writer based in New York City. She has been writing for clients such as The New York Times, SmithsonianMore, and Marie Claire for over 20 years. She is a prolific blogger with more than 15,000 blog followers worldwide. She also works as a writing teacher and a private writing coach. Caitlin took the time to speak with Story Board recently about writing rates, building your online presence and the importance of having a posse. The conversation was fascinating and wide-ranging. Here are some highlights:

On tweeting:

When I wake up, the very first thing I do is I flip open the laptop and I tweet. I don’t tweet automatically, I see what people are doing. And the reason I do that is that I’m really interested in what’s going on in the world. The minute I wake up, even if it’s 6 in the morning, it’s already 11 in England, France, or beyond. So that helps me see what’s going on globally and it helps me jump into conversations that are already ongoing. And there’s a reason that I do this. I don’t tweet because it’s a fun thing to do. I enjoy it, but it’s strategic. I want to be out there. There’s a motto that I came up with and it’s three things: “be visible, be audible, and be credible.”
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Posted on October 2, 2015 at 8:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: , , ,

Freelancer’s Survival Guide Master Class next weekend in Vancouver

If you live in the Vancouver area and are new to freelancing, there’s a crash course coming up this weekend that will teach you everything you need to know to set yourself up as an independent creative worker.

Award-winning freelance food and travel journalist (and CMG Freelance Branch president) Don Genova is leading this day-long seminar, called The Freelancer’s Survival Guide, as part of The Tyee’s fall Master Class series.

The course is scheduled for this Saturday, October 3rd from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch and coffee (and post-class beer) are included in the $200 registration fee. The fee for this workshop also includes a year-long membership in the CMG Freelance Branch (worth $150).

If you are already a member of CMG Freelance, you qualify for a $50 discount on the course. If you’re a member and you’re interested in signing up for the course, please email for a discount code before you register.

To register for the Freelancer’s Survival Guide, check out this page on The Tyee’s website.


Posted on September 29, 2015 at 3:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: , , , ,

Off The Wire: News for the Canadian media freelancer Sept 22-28

Once a week, we gather stories about the media business, journalism, writing, publishing, and freelancing—with a Canadian focus—and share them in Off the Wire. Who needs a water cooler?

MediaFreeLogo.2 SB

From Canada:

From The U.S. and beyond:


Last week on Story Board:


Spot a story you think we should include in next week’s Off the Wire? Email the link to or tweet us at @storyboard_ca.      

Posted on September 28, 2015 at 9:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: ,

The savvy freelancer: Being clever about recycling extra material. Tips from Rose Eveleth.

by Lesley Evans Ogden


Rose Eveleth shares sage advice about freelancing over breakfast in Calgary. Photo by Lesley Evans Ogden

Successful freelancers need a diversity of skills. One specialized skill that has always intrigued me is the ability to repurpose similar material in multiple places. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, mainly because I’ve realized I’m not very good at it. As a feature writer who frequently conducts long interviews with interesting experts, I’m forever collecting intriguing extra tidbits that make me think “wow, cool, that’s a great story in itself.” Sadly, the vast majority of those ideas are never used, so lately I’ve been wondering how to make better use of that bonus material.

That skill of successfully “recycling” material is one of the things that intrigues me about Rose Eveleth, an incredibly prolific freelance journalist based in Brooklyn, New York. She is the producer of the podcast “Meanwhile in the Future,” for Gizmodo, a podcast editor for Story Collider, a columnist at BBC Future, the founder and creator of Science Studio, an editor at Smithsonian Magazine, and a contributor at a myriad of other places. Lately I’ve seen her stories on prosthetics and body implants pop up in BBC Future, Nova on PBS, Motherboard, Mosaic, Gizmodo, The Atlantic, and Modern Farmer to mention just a few. When I contacted Eveleth by email to ask about her skill of cleverly repurposing new aspects of the same topic, she said, “It’s something I think about constantly.”

I had the pleasure of meeting Eveleth this weekend at a reunion in Calgary celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Banff Science Communications Program. Eveleth has been a faculty member with that program since 2014. She majored in genetics in her undergraduate degree, then completed a Master’s in science reporting at NYU in 2012. “I’ve been freelancing ever since,” Eveleth says, “and I love it. I would not do anything else.”

While sitting down with me over breakfast, Eveleth generously shared some tips on how she ingeniously makes use of the “extras” from one story as material for the next.
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Posted on September 24, 2015 at 9:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: ,

Vancouver social for factual TV workers

If you’re in Vancouver and work in factual television, you’re invited to a social gathering and information session hosted by the Canadian Media Guild next week. Come and enjoy a drink and some snacks and learn more about the CMG’s campaign for fairness in the factual television industry.

The event is scheduled for next Thursday, October 1st, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Wicklow Pub (610 Stamps Landing Vancouver).

You’ll be able to pick up a copy of the new Guide to working in Canadian factual TV production and have any of your questions about the CMG’s campaign answered.

Please register for this free event on this Eventbrite page.


Posted on September 23, 2015 at 7:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: , , ,

Vancouver freelancer meet-up next Tuesday

Vancouver freelancers, there’s a casual meet-up happening next Tuesday, September 29th at 6 pm at the Big Rock Urban Brewery, at 310 W 4th Ave.

If you’re in the Vancouver area, you’re invited to drop by for an evening of conversation and freelance camaraderie. Members of CMG Freelance have booked a private room for the event. When you arrive, ask the host or hostess for directions the upstairs boardroom.

You’ll be able to order food and drinks in the boardroom, and the group will move into the general pub area after 8 p.m. for more conversation.

Hope to see you there!


Posted on September 22, 2015 at 10:25 am by editor · 2 Comments · Tagged with: ,

Off The Wire: News for the Canadian media freelancer Sept 15-21

Once a week, we gather stories about the media business, journalism, writing, publishing, and freelancing—with a Canadian focus—and share them in Off the Wire. Who needs a water cooler?

MediaFreeLogo.2 SBFrom Canada:


From The U.S. and beyond:


Last week on Story Board:


Spot a story you think we should include in next week’s Off the Wire? Email the link to or tweet us at @storyboard_ca.      

Posted on September 21, 2015 at 9:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: ,

Free podcasting webinar for CMG Freelance and CWA Associate Members

IMG_0562-1024x683Wanna be a podcaster?

JP Davidson’s upcoming podcasting webinar will help get you started… or take you to the next level.

In this hour-long workshop, Davidson — a podcaster, radio producer and founder of the Canadian Sound & Story Workshop — will offer insights into the state of the industry, the resources available, and the best ways to launch and monetize your podcast.

The webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, September 30th from 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM EDT.

It will be recorded and made available for playback for interested members who are unable to participate live. 

This webinar is free for both CWA Associate Members and members of CMG Freelance. If you’re already a member, you can register for the event on this Eventbrite page.

CWA Associate Membership is free for students, volunteers and emerging media workers. You can sign up for membership right here.

For information about the price and benefits of CMG Freelance membership check out the CMG Freelance website.

Posted on September 17, 2015 at 9:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: , , , ,

Two CMG Freelance members nominated for prestigious Prix Italia

prixTwo members of CMG Freelance have been nominated for the prestigious Prix Italia radio award this year, one of them in a brand new category that is of special interest to freelancers.

Vancouver radio producer Willow Yamauchi is nominated in the Best Documentary category for Deaf Jam, a documentary about deaf musicians that was broadcast on CBC’s The Current earlier this year. Yamauchi’s documentary has also been nominated for a Jack Webster Award, a prize that honours outstanding journalism in British Columbia.

Toronto-based radio producer Veronica Simmonds is also nominated for a Prix Italia. Her piece Dr. Clock, about a horologist living in Halifax Nova Scotia, is up for an award in a brand new category called New Radio Formats.

This new category is significant for freelancers because it is open to independents. Previously, only broadcasters were eligible to nominate pieces for awards.

We wish our members the best of luck in their categories! The 67th annual Prix Italia awards ceremony takes place in Torino, Italy next Thursday, September 24th.


Posted on September 16, 2015 at 9:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: , ,

Off The Wire: News for the Canadian media freelancer Sept 9-14

Once a week, we gather stories about the media business, journalism, writing, publishing, and freelancing—with a Canadian focus—and share them in Off the Wire. Who needs a water cooler?

MediaFreeLogo.2 SBFrom Canada:

From The U.S. and beyond:

Last week on Story Board:

Spot a story you think we should include in next week’s Off the Wire? Email the link to or tweet us at @storyboard_ca.      


Posted on September 14, 2015 at 9:00 am by editor · LEAVE A COMMENT · Tagged with: ,