Off the Wire: News for the Canadian media freelancer March 20-26
Once a week, we gather stories about the media business, journalism, writing, publishing, and freelancing—with a Canadian focus—and share them in Off the Wire. Who needs a water cooler?
From Canada:
- Student journalist award winners honoured at the Emerge Media Awards [Canadian Magazines]
- Radio-Canada reporter won’t face harassment charge [CBC]
- Torstar and Postmedia talked job cuts before deal, Competition Bureau says [Globe and Mail]
- CBC’s Carol Off discusses the ethics of source relationships at 2018 Atkinson Lecture [J-Source]
From The U.S. and beyond:
- Miss Having Coworkers? Here’s How to Start a Writing Group [The Write Life]
- 4 ways to improve productivity when you work from home [Freelancers Union]
- A Smarter Way to Price Your Freelance Projects [The Freelancer]
- How to keep your credit score stable as a freelancer [Freelancers Union]
- How writing a Pulitzer Prize-winning story is like eating a big slice of pizza [Poynter]
Recently on Story Board:
- 2018 Dave Greber Awards open for submissions: Freelance writers, if you’ve focused your work on social justice issues this year, it’s time to apply for the Dave Greber Freelance Writers Awards. The competition opened this week and the submissions deadline is Friday, June 22at 5 p.m. PST…
- Build your freelance business with these five small social media tweaks: When I got into social media marketing there were three networks with straightforward strategies. Today, there are many more platforms and the rules seem to be ever-changing. Tactics that worked a few years ago don’t seem as effective anymore. So what is a freelancer to do?…
Spot a story you think we should include in next week’s Off the Wire? Email the link to or tweet us at @storyboard_ca.
Posted on March 26, 2018 at 9:00 am by editor · · Tagged with: news, Off the Wire