Do you have written or visual work in a published book? Register for the Public Lending Right Program
Canadian authors, illustrators and photographers with one or more published books, can now register for the Public Lending Right Program. The program is a Canada Council for the Arts initiative that sends payments every year to creators whose books are in Canadian public libraries. This year’s registration period runs until May 1, 2021. To register, you’ll need […]
Replacing objectivity with fairness and accuracy in the newsroom
by Stephen Wentzell Over the last few years, polarization around journalism has contributed to an environment of distrust around the industry, particularly its writers. Journalists are finding themselves under a microscope never-before imagined in an industry that has traditionally called for round-the-clock neutrality. “Is objectivity an outdated concept?” asks Manisha Krishnan, senior editor at VICE […]
Board of Directors Election Update and Candidate Profiles
When nominations closed on the February 25th for the very first Canadian Freelance Guild Board of Directors, every position but one had been filled by acclamation. During our Media Mixer on the 26th, we had the successful candidates introduce themselves, as well as the two candidates for the remaining position, the Director for Membership Management […]
CBC Freelancers: Sign a union membership card before March 12 and be entered to win a prize
The Canadian Freelance Guild is proud to partner with the Canadian Media Guild Freelance Branch, our colleagues in providing services to freelance communicators in Canada. CMG Freelance represents all freelancers who provide services to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). If you have freelanced for CBC in the last 12 months, you are eligible to become a member […]
Call for Nominations in the 2021 Canadian Freelance Guild Board of Directors Election
Nominations are now open for all positions on the Canadian Freelance Guild (CFG) Board of Directors. We will be electing for the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Directors, one of whom will have responsibilities in Membership Management and Development. Terms will be staggered so that no board will be constituted of entirely […]
Highlights of the First Annual General Meeting of the CFG
On Saturday, February 6th the Canadian Freelance Guild held its first-ever Annual General Meeting. The online event took just under three hours and accomplished several important goals. Bylaws: The first-ever set of Bylaws establishing the CFG were passed, after some considerable discussion and constructive ‘friendly amendment’ editing. The new bylaws include details about the CFG’s Board […]
WEBINAR: Life After Journalism — Use Your Skills to Shine in New Fields
It’s no secret that the number of places to practice journalism has been on the decline for years. Couple media concentration with copyright-grabbing contracts and not-so-suddenly journalism (full-time or freelance) is not an easy place to make a living. But journalism skills are eminently transferable to a number of different communications fields. Join our panel […]
2021-2022 Canadian Nieman Fellowship open for applications
Applications are now open for a year-long fellowship that gives a Canadian journalist the opportunity to study at Harvard University. The 2021-2022 Martin Wise Goodman Canadian Nieman Fellowship is open to applications until December 1, 2020. Applicants must be Canadian citizens and working journalists with at least five years of full-time or freelance professional media […]
New mentorship program aims to make room up front for BIPOC photojournalists in Canada
A new Canadian mentorship program aims to help photographers from diverse backgrounds make a career in visual storytelling. Called Room Up Front, the program offers support to early career BIPOC photojournalists and documentary photographers. Vancouver-based photojournalist Jimmy Jeong said he started organizing Room Up Front because he noticed a disparity between Canadian photojournalists and the […]
Forum Freelance Fund competition re-opens
After suspending its 2020 competition due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Forum Freelance Fund has now re-opened for applications. The fund offers bursaries of up to $2500 to help Canadian freelancers — and foreign freelancers working for Canadian media — pay for hostile environment training. The new deadline for the FFF is September 14, 2020. […]