Webinar: Tax Tips and Financial Planning for Freelancers
When you work for yourself – like so many of us do these days – your business finances ARE your personal finances, and if you’re not careful, things can get very messy. Join us for a webinar called Tax Tips and Financial Planning for Freelancers on Monday, June 5 at 3:00 p.m. E.T. and start to learn how […]
Events for freelancers in Halifax May 3
Halifax freelancers, students and media workers, mark your calendars for a couple of great networking and professional development events planned for Wednesday, May 3. First of all, you’re invited to a free information session and lunch from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Dalhousie University Club Great Hall (1 Alumni Crescent). Speakers at the event include journalist […]
Urban Worker Skillshare April 29 in Toronto
If you’re in the Toronto area, come and join CMG Freelance and the Urban Worker Project for a day-long workshop and after party for freelance and contract workers. It’s happening on Saturday, April 29th from 9:30 to 6 p.m. at Story Arts Centre, Centennial College (951 Carlaw Avenue). It’s an opportunity for freelancers to get together, network and share resources. There […]
Media Mixer in Toronto April 25th
Toronto freelancers, students and media workers, come out for an evening of networking and information on April 25th from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Watson’s (388 Richmond St W). This is a free event hosted by CMG Freelance, CWA Canada Associate Members and the Fairness in Factual TV campaign to explore the subject “Freelancer or Employee? Myths, Facts and […]
Media mixer in Ottawa on April 20
Ottawa media workers, students and freelancers: mark your calendars for an exciting evening of mentorship and networking. You’re invited to a media mixer on April 20th from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Clocktower Brew Pub (200 Elgin Street). CWA Canada associate members is hosting this event to give media workers a chance to make connections with peers and mentors, […]
Webinar: Cyber Security for Journalists
CMG Freelance is hosting a webinar called Cyber Security for Journalists on Tuesday, April 11 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The webinar will focus on tangible and easy steps reporters can take to secure their everyday activities online and off. It will cover some of the best apps to use for communication, setting up PGP encryption, and […]
Webinar April 4: Health Care Benefits via CMG Freelance
Membership in CMG Freelance comes with affordable access to the Actra Fraternal Benefit Society and the Writers’ Coalition Program — an affordable health insurance program designed to help members manage their health care costs. CMG Freelance is hosting an informational webinar about the program tomorrow, Wednesday, April 5, at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The webinar will be led by […]
Urban Worker Skillshare April 8 in Vancouver
CMG Freelance is partnering with the Urban Worker Project to present a day-long workshop and after party for freelance and contract workers to get together, network and share resources. Join us on Saturday, April 8th from 9:30 to 6 p.m. at Creative Coworkers (343 Railway Street). There will be lawyers, accountants and other experts leading sessions on the […]
CMG Freelance social media workshop April 1 in Vancouver
Vancouver freelancers, get ready for a day-long workshop that will help you boost your social media skills in ways that will grow your influence and help you find new opportunities and potential clients. Don’t Fool Around! Learn the Right Way to Use Social Media is scheduled for Saturday, April 1st from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Vancouver […]
Webinar: Storytelling for brands
Brand storytelling can be a lucrative industry for freelancers. Now, more than ever, brands are seeking the advice of artists (writers, podcasters, graphic designers, photographers) to help tell their stories in ways that authentically connect. The next in our series of professional development webinars will help you find success in this field. The webinar Storytelling for […]