The 5-Minute Freelancer Q&A #20 — Tom Sandborn
In this regular feature, Story Board asks Canadian writers to share a few details about their work habits and their strategies for navigating the ups and downs of freelance life. Tom Sandborn is a Vancouver freelance writer who also works as a fundraiser and consultant. He has been involved in community activism since the American civil rights movement of the 1960s. He […]
The Born Freelancer on Nurturing Your Inner Terrier
This series of posts by the Born Freelancer shares personal experiences and thoughts on issues relevant to freelancers. Have something to add to the conversation? Your input is welcome in the comments. I was clearing and sorting through my archives this week: so many hard copy reports, stories and scripts. I’m not being unduly immodest when […]
How Many Hoops Are You Willing to Jump Through?
By Ann Douglas My friend Jen went through a series of 25 interviews before she was ultimately named editor-in-chief of a major consumer magazine. That’s a lot of hoops to jump through in the hope of landing a job—but, then again, it was a pretty nice job, complete with a rather droolworthy salary and a […]
The Cost of Saying Yes to Every Gig
How turning down projects can help you build your freelance writing business. by Miranda Miller Opportunity cost dictates that even when you make the best choice possible, you lose out on the benefits of the next best option. We see this constantly as we move through life, in everything from grocery shopping to deciding […]
The Born Freelancer on Spring Cleaning for Freelancers
This series of posts by the Born Freelancer shares personal experiences and thoughts on issues relevant to freelancers. Have something to add to the conversation? Your input is welcome in the comments. With the coming of Spring (sorry, Maritimes, but your Spring will eventually arrive too – I hope) there is no better time to reappraise and […]
Simultaneous pitching – views from the other side of the desk
by Lesley Evans Ogden For freelance journalists and producers, pitching is a make or break activity. And the traditional advice doled out to freelancers pitching their stories has been that simultaneous pitching – pitching the same story to multiple outlets simultaneously – is a no-no. Recently, this blog post by Scott Carney suggested that simultaneous […]
The 5-Minute Freelancer Q&A #19 — Joanne Will
In this regular feature, Story Board asks Canadian writers to share a few details about their work habits and their strategies for navigating the ups and downs of freelance life. Joanne Will is a Toronto-based writer who has written for publications such as the Globe and Mail and The Tyee about everything from food history, to music, to literature, […]
The Born Freelancer on Producing Your Radio Drama Script
This series of posts by the Born Freelancer shares personal experiences and thoughts on issues relevant to freelancers. Have something to add to the conversation? Your input is welcome in the comments. Some time ago I wrote about the challenges and benefits of writing a radio drama script, especially for those who had never previously considered […]
Why does a freelancer’s copyright matter?
by Rachel Sanders In the wake of our recent post about a contract dispute between a group of freelancers and the non-profit broadcaster Accessible Media Inc., it seems like a good time for a refresher on the topic of copyright and moral rights. As a freelancer, why should you protect your copyright? What are moral rights, […]
Toronto freelancer goes the distance to pursue non-paying client
Most freelancers have had to deal with it at some point in their careers – a client who is slow to process invoices, or, worse, one that’s deliberately avoiding paying their contractors. Chasing down a paycheque can be frustrating, humiliating and damaging to your productivity. Sometimes it seems easier to just give up on that […]