Travel writing tips from writer and editor Jennifer Bain
by Monte Stewart Jennifer Bain was a travel editor at The Toronto Star before she took a buyout in April. She is currently freelancing as a travel writer and completing a master of fine arts degree in creative non-fiction. In this Q&A, she discusses some of her experiences as a freelance writer and travel section editor […]
The 5-Minute Freelancer Q&A #36 — Sharon J. Riley
In this regular feature, Story Board asks Canadian writers to share a few details about their work habits and their strategies for navigating the ups and downs of freelance life. Sharon J. Riley got her start in journalism as an intern at Harper’s magazine. Researching and fact checking for the publication gave her a foundation in journalism from which to […]
The Born Freelancer attends a CBC info session hosted by Field and Post
This series of posts by the Born Freelancer shares personal experiences and thoughts on issues relevant to freelancers. Have something to add to the conversation? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. The scene: A downtown Vancouver conference centre during a rainy Friday afternoon early last month. Two hundred or so independent writers and producers are attending […]
I sat through a defamation trial. Here’s what I learned.
by Alison Motluk Like many journalists, I live in fear of being sued. I pray that being accurate and fair and unmalicious will be enough. Just in case it isn’t, I make sure never to indemnify any publication I write for. Still, what I learned from observing a defamation trial in Toronto this spring shook […]
A Tricky Transition: Can Good Writers Become Competent Editors?
by Steven Threndyle Veteran freelance writers exhausted by the endless cycles of feast or famine often reach a point in their career where they fantasize, “I want one of those cush editing jobs!” And why not? The most prestigious editors sit atop the magazine pyramid as creative overseers. Like chief executive officers who hop from […]
Systematic Editing for the Uncomfortable / Nervous / Reluctant / Insecure Editor
by Amanda Maxwell Editing a piece of work isn’t my favourite occupation. If it’s my own, then word blindness and over-familiarity settles in. If it’s for someone else, then I panic about changing their voice. Most of the time I sort-of know when something’s not right, but not always how to fix it. And this […]
The Born Freelancer Asks: Are We Notoriously Lazy?
This series of posts by the Born Freelancer shares personal experiences and thoughts on issues relevant to freelancers. Have something to add to the conversation? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. The accusation took me completely by surprise. I was once in casual discussions with an industry insider about the conditions under which we might […]
Ten Reasons to Join CMG Freelance
Freelancers, have you been looking for a good reason to join our freelance union? From contract advice to professional development opportunities, CMG Freelance president Don Genova gives you ten reasons in this new video. For more information on the costs and benefits of membership, check out this page on the CMG Freelance website.
Non-fiction book publishing advice for freelance writers
By Lesley Evans Ogden Have you ever thought about writing a non-fiction book? It’s a daunting undertaking, but for many published book authors, it’s also a rewarding one. In April 2018, Science Writers and Communicators of Canada held their annual conference in Vancouver. During that conference, I moderated a session on book publishing. The three […]
The Born Freelancer Interviews Daniel Sugar on Self-Publishing His First Novel
This series of posts by the Born Freelancer shares personal experiences and thoughts on issues relevant to freelancers. Have something to add to the conversation? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. Writing a novel is the dream of many freelance writers, but few of us achieve this formidable goal. A first novel is therefore […]