Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Lessons from Katie Jensen and Vicky Mochama of Vocal Fry Studios
By Cara Fox If I’m honest, for many years the only thing that kept me from freelancing was the fact that I didn’t feel good enough. No matter how many qualified people told me I was capable, complimented my work and prodded me to keep going, it wasn’t enough to make me feel “credible.” What […]
New Year’s Resolution #1: Take Care of Yourself First
By Christine Peets If you choose to make New Year’s resolutions, you might notice the same themes arising year after year. They often involve trying to be healthier by getting more exercise, eating healthy food, balancing the work/life stuff, etc. etc. Or, as Jerry Seinfeld would say, “Yada, Yada, Yada.” Those with chronic illness or […]
The 5-Minute Freelancer Q&A #38 — Angela Mombourquette
In this regular feature, Story Board asks Canadian freelancers to share a few details about their work habits and their strategies for navigating the ups and downs of freelance life. Angela Mombourquette is a Halifax-based freelance journalist who has written for such publications as The Walrus, Halifax Magazine, and the Chronicle Herald. She is also the author of the […]
The Born Freelancer Reviews the Zoom H4N Pro Digital Recorder
This series of posts by the Born Freelancer shares personal experiences and thoughts on issues relevant to freelancers. Have something to add to the conversation? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. OK, so nobody will ever accuse me of being an impulse-shopper. I’ve been looking into buying an up to date portable digital recorder […]
The Fine Art of Picking a Niche
By Nkiru Asika This isn’t an article about whether you should choose a niche. I believe that specialization is key to stand out from the writer-saturated landscape. Jack of all trades and all that. If your writing business is still new like mine, (I launched as a B2B lead generation writer in July), then you […]
Ann Douglas on the seven stages of book publishing
Thinking about writing a book? If so, Ann Douglas has some advice for you. Douglas, whose many published books include the “Mother of All” parenting series, gave a presentation at the recent Level Up writers’ conference in Toronto. Her talk focused on the process of publishing non-fiction books through traditional publishing avenues. She offered reams of helpful […]
Working from home during personal chaos
by Meagan Gillmore I pursued a writing career hoping it would allow me a more flexible home life, perhaps the possibility of staying home to raise any future children. Freelancing was, I believed, a buffer against the financial instabilities that seemed guaranteed for those who entered adulthood during the Great Recession of the mid-2000s. But for […]
The Born Freelancer on the Power of Gratitude
This series of posts by the Born Freelancer shares personal experiences and thoughts on issues relevant to freelancers. Have something to add to the conversation? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. I was talking over the importance of mental well-being for freelancers with a fellow writer. These dark days of autumn rapidly turning into even […]
A Freelancer’s Guide to Content Marketing
by Steven Threndyle Freelancers perusing job listings on Indeed or Glassdoor will often come across content marketing writing gigs. It’s a job that requires the imagination of an advertising copywriter, the inquisitiveness and writing discipline of a journalist and a bit of an understanding of data science. Increasingly, this kind of writing is being outsourced […]
Always be closing: How to keep marketing even when busy with projects
By Nkiru Asika Halloween may be over, but there is nothing more frightening to a freelance writer than the deathly spectre of no work on the horizon; when your clients literally go ghost. It’s tempting, when you have client work, to forget all about marketing and simply bury yourself in the writing. But that is […]