8 strategic tips for taking time off as a solopreneur
The holiday season can feel different when you’re self-employed. While friends with salaried jobs talk about their “time off,” self-employed workers often wonder if they can afford to take a good long break. But freelancers need to rest, relax and change gears as much as everyone else. Here are some tips on how to make sure you get all the “down time” you need.
Ways freelancers can diversify their income
Many people are drawn to freelancing because of the lifestyle and career freedom it affords. However, the lack of stability can be stressful. During the pandemic and following economic uncertainty, some freelancers have watched their work shift or outright disappear, prompting an urgent need to find new ways to earn an income. Even those who […]
Freelancer Checklist: 6 Tips to End the Year in Style
Year-end is an opportunity to rest, relax and reconnect with friends and family, and we usually have plenty of time to do this as most of our clients are also on holiday. But before you pop the cork on your New Year’s Eve champagne, ensure you’ve taken care of these small but essential year-end tasks.
What to Expect On a Press Trip: 8 Tips
If you’d like to explore this in your career as a freelancer, this is what you should know about press trips.
Questions to help you reflect and plan for 2025
There are all sorts of positive reasons to spend time reflecting on your business, asking questions and planning. Things like reducing anxiety, improving clarity and encouraging creativity. But making the time to work on your business instead of in your business? Sometimes more difficult than it seems. A while back I purchased a self-paced digital […]
Here’s the Number 1 Secret to Getting Invited on Press Trips
This article about getting invited on press trips is written by Vanessa Chiasson, a freelance writer based in Ottawa who specializes in travel and human interest stories. Have you ever wondered how to get invited on press trips? Before I embark on any trip as a travel writer, I always hear the same question from […]
3 tips for making the most of an overseas conference as a freelancer
Have you travelled overseas for a conference and tacked on a vacation? What are your tips for making the most of it? Here are three tips for making the most of an overseas conference as a freelancer.
3 ways freelancers can build trust with clients
Are you wondering how freelancers can build trust with clients? The goal here is to develop trusting, long-term relationships. How you do this is by establishing trust and being someone your client can count on.
Can a journalist ever truly be objective? And, if not, what are they to do instead?
We can’t be perfectly objective. No journalist can. But we can sure try. Here are some considerations for a freelance journalist who strives for objectivity in challenging conditions.
The state of Canadian publishing, from a Wiley veteran
The good news is that the Canadian publishing industry is alive and well. If you’re writing falls into a popular genre, you could find yourself with an agent, a book deal, a newly published book and a travel schedule taking you across the country to promote your work.