CMG launching Freelance Fridays in 2014
Good news, Toronto area freelancers: the Canadian Media Guild is launching a new series of monthly freelance-oriented workshops. Freelance members of the CMG are invited to Freelance Fridays, a series of free workshops that will take a closer look at some of the nuts and bolts of freelancing.
Just in time for tax season, the first workshop (scheduled for February 7th) will focus on accounting and taxes for freelancers. The session will be led by the dynamic Sunny Widerman, who gave an entertaining presentation on taxes (for real!) at the day-long Freelance Survival Series in Toronto in September.
The second workshop is scheduled for March 7th and will focus on contracts and negotiations. With his extensive experience negotiating contracts for the CBC and other engagers, CMG Staff Rep Keith Maskell will help you appreciate the true value of your work and offer strategies for getting paid what you’re worth.
The CMG is looking into the possibility of live streaming workshops for members outside of Toronto. And depending on interest and demand, there’s a chance that Freelance Friday workshops may be offered in other cities across the country in the near future. Stay tuned to Story Board for updates.
Check out the CMG site for more details on the upcoming workshops or to register for Freelance Fridays.
Not a CMG member yet? Find out more about CMG membership here.
Got a topic in mind for a future Freelance Friday? Want Freelance Fridays to come to your city? Please contact CMG Freelance Organizer datejie cheko green with your comments and questions.